Links and Resources


FOAT**Focusing Oriented Art Therapy with Laury Rappaport-You Tube   The International Focusing Institute website provides a wealth of information including: learning how to do focusing, training, articles and books, resources to purchase, conferences, etc.


Ellis, Leslie, PhD. (2019/2020) A Clinician's Guide to Dream Therapy: Implementing Simple and Effective Dreamwork Routledge, an imprint of the Taylor and Francis Group, New York.

Ellis, Leslie PhD. (2012)  “The Attuned Brain:  Crossings in Focusing-Oriented Therapy and Neuroscience” in The Folio 2012. p 36 to 46)

Ellis, Leslie (2016) “Focusing Dreamwork” in Working with Dreams and PTSD Nightmares (2016) Lewis, J E  and Krippner, T, Eds.   ABC-CLIO, LLC, Santa Barbara, California

Gendlin, Eugene, Ph.D., Focusing Bantam-Dell Books , a Division of Random House, Inc., New York Books, 1981. This is THE ORIGINAL classic text, a $10.00 paperback that teaches the basics of focusing in an accessible way.

Jaison, Bala PhD.  (2007) Integrating Experiential and Brief Therapy:  How to do Deep Therapy Briefly and How to do Brief Therapy Deeply.  A Guide for Therapists, Counselors and Clients 2nd ed.  Printed in Canada by Bala Jaison

Rappaport, Laury, PhD. (2009) Focusing-Oriented Art Therapy:  Accessing the Body’s Wisdom and Creative Intelligence, Jessica Kingsly Publisher, PA, USA

Rome, David (2014) Your Body Knows the Answer: Using your Felt Sense to Solve Problems, Effect Change and Liberate Creativity, Shambhala Publishers, Boston and London.

Schore, Allan. N. PhD.  (2012) The Science of the Art of Psychotherapy, WW Norton and company, New York

Stapert, M. and Verliefde, E. (2008) Focusing with Children: The Art of Communicating with Children and School and at Home PCCS Books Ross-on-Wye, UK

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